
Books, chocolate*, swimming regardless of the weather, John Irving, bread and salty butter, yellow, fresh sheets, the smell of coconut, singers called Barry**, six course meals + matched, lovely stationery, turquoise water***, Melbourne, Berlin, Miami, eighties pop, laughing until there are tears, gin, Art Deco lines, a good cry, ABBA, author talks, opera, keeping my photo albums up-to-date, Carlton, nail polish, wishing I could sail, reading, reading and reading.

If these things appeal, I think we can be friends.

*sigh* I sound terribly shallow… I’d like to think I’m not. This blog is just a little corner of my life (mostly just the bookish bit but there’s food as well and sometimes I’ll include show-off holiday snaps).

Thanks for stopping by,


PS. A quick word on ratings.

* chocolate with mint or chocolate with hazelnuts – you decide
** Gibb, Manilow (not Crocker)
*** preferably accessorised with a mask and snorkel

23 responses

  1. If you enjoy the humor genre I would welcome to the opportunity to send you a PDF copy of my new book entitled ‘Merciful Flush’. If interested just shoot me an e-mail address. Thanks!

  2. Is that Lance Armstrong offering you a book about flushing drugs out of his system? (sorry couldn’t resist – the timing was perfect) 🙂

  3. Hi Kate, can you please drop me an email at write.to.annabelsmith [at] gmail [dot] com as I’d like to ask you something which is perhaps best done via email? Thanks

  4. Hi Kate,

    Congratulations on a great blog. 🙂 I’d love to send you a copy of my debut novel ‘Peace, Love and Khaki Socks’. I can’t seem to find an email address for you on the site. You can read the blurb here: http://kimlockauthor.com/books/
    If you are interested, I’d love to hear from you via email: kim.lock (at) adam.com.au
    Warmest regards,
    Kim Lock

  5. Pingback: Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts | booksaremyfavouriteandbest

  6. Hi Kate, I’m looking for a book for a friend, MST, so was looking in biographies, and came across Turning, A Swimming Memoir by Jessica,J Lee which I’m sure would interest you

  7. I can relate to quite a few things on your list, Kate. Let’s see now, great big ticks would be: books, chocolate, ABBA (went to see them in concert when I was a young thing), lovely stationery, turquoise water, author’s talks, reading, reading, reading and several more. I know, why don’t we just celebrate our “shallow” depths! ☺️

  8. Hi Kate, I’m from Hybrid Publishers, a small publishing firm in Melbourne. Are you interested in receiving a book to read/review from time to time? I’d alway write first to check.

  9. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation: From Christmas to Aliens to Christmas Again | The Broken Spine

  10. Pingback: 6° of Separation: From Fighting to Magic to Cat Whisperer | The Broken Spine

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