Sample Saturday – flotsam, trust, and a trial

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

Flotsam by Meike Ziervogel

Why I have it: Spotted at A Life in Books.

Summary: Coming-of-age story from 1950s Germany about a family that leads a lonely existence on the German coast.

I’m thinking: Yes.

Trust Exercise by Susan Choi

Why I have it: Spotted on this summer reading list.

Summary: First love between high school students is interrupted by the attentions of a charismatic teacher.

I’m thinking: No.

Eugenia by Mark Tedeschi

Why I have it: Spotted in Kim’s #6degrees chain.

Summary: True crime account of Eugenia Falleni, a woman who in 1920 was charged with the murder of her wife. Eugenia had lived in Australia for twenty-two years as a man and during that time officially married twice.

I’m thinking: Yes.

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