Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


01. Saw James Reyne last week at a very dicey venue. Not ashamed to say that we had the BEST night.

02. My son won a writing prize last week.  I didn’t even know he’d entered the competition and I hadn’t read the piece until I saw it in print. His story is good – really proud of him.

03. I’ve had a week of extreme highs and lows – I had unexpected surgery on Monday to remove a melanoma from my arm. I am still waiting for the histology results but general anesthetics and cancer in December make you reassess stuff.

04. On the upside, I was offered a university place for next year in the course I wanted. Yay. Note: it’s a graduate course so don’t expect any #matureagestudent tweets.

05. I’m not sure how I feel about a movie version of Our Souls at Night – will they be able to capture the tenderness?

06. Holy hell. Look at these peppermint pattie brownies from How Sweet it Is. I’ll do anything for a chocolate and mint combo.

07. This list of tweets made me laugh. Particularly 13, 14, 19, 30, 45, 68, 73, 94 and 97. But hey, I’ll let you find your own funnies on the list.

08. Because we all judge books by their covers, right? (For the record, no.5 turns my stomach and no.27 wins).

09. I’m sorry – how is a novelette distinguished from a novella or short story?

10. It’s outrageous that I don’t have these on my tree… (because: sold out in a flash).


Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Swing by, say g’day.






28 responses

  1. 2. Congratulations to your son – impressive!
    3. Everything crossed for you to get good results.
    4. Yay!
    5. I’m not sure either. It was such a delicate story…
    6. OMG. Be still my heart…
    8. Totally agree about No.5 – yeurgh.
    9. Horrible twee name for something which is already named – why?
    10. Gin Baubles! The greatest thing to happen to Christmas since Wham’s Last Christmas video, surely?

  2. I hope for everyone’s sake that James sang Reckless!
    I hope for your sake the all the results come back negative.
    I hope for lovers of Haruf Kent that Jane Fonda and Robert Redford can pull out one of their star quality performances (Jane could do it in On Golden Pond, so I’m feeling hopeful).
    I hope it was my family who spotted the gin baubles and bought them all as a surprise for me 😀

  3. A Movie version of Our Souls at Night?! I’m not sure about that..kind of scares me. I just read that book earlier this year.

  4. I hope the pathology comes back with the best results possible. Hmmm…not keen for an Our Souls at Night movie. And…Shoppo probably doesn’t quite compare to the FTG Middle hotel where I’ve seen 80s hearthrobs!


    • Thanks. It’s just the waiting that sucks.

      Shoppo was marginal, to say the best. Can’t say how the FTG Hotel compares! All the 80s bands are doing the rounds of these venues again and, despite the venues, they’re fun nights out because: live pub music.

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